Sunlight Dental Practice


Children’s Sedation at Sunlight Dental Practice

Visiting the dentist won’t be top of your children’s Christmas list, but regular check ups are an essential part of their dental (and overall health) care. That’s why, at Sunlight Dental Practice, our compassionate team is experienced in delivering the best care to children, in as relaxed and fun a way as possible. Should your child be experiencing anxiousness or require a more invasive treatment than just a check up, then inhalation sedation could be an option. Contact us for more information

What is inhalation sedation?

Inhalation sedation is a very light form of sedation which will help your little one feel more relaxed and comfortable throughout the treatment. It’s not general anaesthesia, rather it’s a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen which is breathed in through a small mask which is placed over their nose. A local anaesthetic will still be needed for some treatments, but again this is to aid your child’s comfort. They will remain awake, although they may become a little drowsy and less aware of their surroundings, but they will be able to respond throughout the procedure.

How will my child react to inhalation sedation?

Visiting the dentist won’t be top of your children’s Christmas list, but regular check ups are an essential part of their dental (and overall health) care. That’s why, at Sunlight Dental Practice, our compassionate team is experienced in delivering the best care to children, in as relaxed and fun a way as possible. Should your child be experiencing anxiousness or require a more invasive treatment than just a check up, then inhalation sedation could be an option. Contact us for more information

Book your next appointment now

As always, before a treatment is undertaken, you and your child will attend a consultation where we will discuss options and determine whether inhalation sedation is the correct choice. You can book an appointment by calling our friendly team on 0151 645 5473


We appreciate that knowing when to bring your kids to the dentist can be confusing, so we’ve put together a list of our patients most frequently asked questions for your convenience.

Inhalation sedation is usually offered to children from the age of four upwards. They will still be conscious throughout the procedure and will be able to see you and talk to you, or the dentist.
The nitrous oxide and oxygen mix will take effect within just a few minutes, leaving your child relaxed and feeling warm and giggly. The effects will also wear off within a few minutes of the treatment ending.
Inhalation sedation dentistry is very safe for children. They will experience very little in the way of side-effects (as discussed previously) and the effects wear off quickly. Your child will remain conscious and awake throughout the treatment
The simple answer is yes, they are definitely not required to fast and we encourage you to give them a light meal a couple of hours before treatment. We’d recommend staying away from greasy or oily foods as this can make them feel nauseous during treatment.
our little one will be able to eat or drink as normal once you get them home. Extra care should be taken if they still feel some numbness in the mouth in order to avoid lip, cheek or tongue biting.
There may be some cases where nitrous oxide sedation isn’t effective. If this is the case then a mild or general anesthetic may be required. This will be assessed and discussed well before any treatment begins.